A Look Back At 10 Memorable Performances By Team USA Women In Winter Sports In 2023
U.S. women (and one mixed team) shined in 2023 with world titles, record-breaking performances and some notable firsts.
Ogden, UT
Ben Lomond High School
classification: SB-LL2
In June 2005, Gabel was involved in an industrial accident that crushed his left foot
Following four blood transfusions, 26 hyperbaric treatments and a blood clot in his left lung, the doctors told Gabel that he would most likely watch his foot die
Due to complications and lack of technology at the time, he made the decision to amputate his leg just below the knee two weeks later
Returned to his snowboard three months later.
Found out about competitive para snowboarding during the 2010-11 season, his sixth season riding with an amputation.
Hobbies include hiking, fishing, mountain biking, swimming, cliff diving, camping, baking, playing and writing music and hanging out with his dog.
Hidden talents include juggling and mimicking various animal sounds
Was a drummer in his high school bagpipe corps.
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