After Big Summer For Softball, Ali Aguilar Ready To Lead A Young U.S. Team Into Pan Am Games
Aguilar, who recently began a side career as a teacher, is one of five players back from the 2021 U.S. Olympic Team.
Union City, CA
Favorite Hobbies/Activities: Baseball, Basketball, Football, Video Games, Working Out
Favorite Movie: The Benchwarmers
Favorite Meal: Hamburgers and fries
Favorite TV Show: SportsCenter
Favorite Professional Sports Team: San Francisco 49ers, Golden State Warriors, Oakland Athletics, San Francisco Giants, San Jose Sharks
His Biggest Supporter(s): His father
Person he most admires: His father because, "He pushes me to be the best each and every day."
What does it mean for you to represent the United States? "Thinking about it gives me no greater joy than to know that I'm representing my country while doing something I love."
What was your first memory of USA Softball? "Growing up I always watched the Olympics, but I remember first hearing about USA Softball when I was around 8 years old."
What do you most enjoy about softball? "The fast pace of the game to compliment by fast style of play."
How did you get started playing softball? "I grew up always watching my Dad and Uncles but I didn't start playing until I was 15."
Who were your softball role models growing up? "My Dad and Uncles are definitely a huge reason why I'm playing this beautiful game."
Did you play any other sports growing up? "I played basketball and football, but I am still currently playing baseball on both my high school and travel teams."
What non-softball sport would you like to try? "I would definitely try ice hockey or boxing."
What is the best piece of advice you ever received? "Who cares what other people think, just remember to always be yourself."
What has been your proudest accomplishment? "Making the Junior Men's National Team and being able to represent both my family and country."
What's your personal motto? "God First God Bless."