After Big Summer For Softball, Ali Aguilar Ready To Lead A Young U.S. Team Into Pan Am Games
Aguilar, who recently began a side career as a teacher, is one of five players back from the 2021 U.S. Olympic Team.
Kewaunee, WI
Favorite Movie: Star Wars
Favorite Meal: Pizza
Favorite TV Show: Mythbusters
Favorite Professional Sports Team: Milwaukee Brewers, Green Bay Packers
What does it mean for you to represent the United States? "There are so many people who fight for our freedom so it means the world to me that I am able to do things that others cannot, so I am thankful for our veterans and proud to wear the Stars and Stripes."
What was your first memory of USA Softball/Olympics? "Probably the beginning of last summer when I found out I would have the opportunity to play."
What do you most enjoy about softball? "How it is a humbling game of failure, and that it is much harder than many people think. I love the challenge and the brotherhood formed between teammates."
How did you get started playing softball? "My father has been a Fast Pitch softball pitcher for as long as I can remember. It was always my dream to play on a team with him and my brother when I grew up, and try to be as good as they are - which we have done for the past two summers."
Who were your softball role models growing up? "My father, brother, sister, my hitting coach Tim Jorgensen and catching coach Scott Bortolini."
Did you play any other sports growing up? "Baseball, cross country running and basketball"
What non-softball sport would you like to try? "I'd really like to play ice hockey or try swimming competitively."
What is the best piece of advice you ever received? "My Dad is full of amazing quotes and pieces of advice, and my favorite is, 'Luck favors the prepared' or the sign he gave me that says 'Believe' and told me that no matter what if I believed, I can do it."
What's your personal motto? "Don't practice until you get it right, practice until you can't get it wrong."