Baron was born with spina bifida, a birth defect that has resulted in weakness in her legs...Until the third grade, Shelby walked around school with crutches and sat out of most PE activities...When she was nine years old, Lolly Romano, an adaptive PE specialist with the Department of Education, introduced her to a wheelchair...This allowed her to participate in most sports along with her classmates...She began playing
wheelchair basketball with Coach Jeff Sampaga as a way to get exercise, and was referred to a Tuesday night
wheelchair tennis class...
Tennis was frustrating at first, but she felt so good each time she hit a ball back over the net...After a couple of years, she joined a U.S. Tennis Association (USTA) junior team with able-bodied players...She is a four-time Collegiate National Champion...Daughter of Benjamin and Rhoda Baron…Has one brother, Casey.
Career Highlights
- World Cup team member (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016)
- 2019 Janco Steel Wheelchair Tennis Classic, gold (singles)
- 2019 Windsor Classic, gold (singles)
- 2019 Indian Wells Tennis Garden Wheelchair Championships, gold (singles)
- 2016 Arizona Open, gold (doubles)
- 2016 Midwest Championships, gold (doubles)
International Tennis Federation
Paralympic Experience
- 2-time Paralympian;
- Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020, 9th (Doubles - Women), 17th (Singles - Women)
- Paralympic Games Rio de Janeiro 2016, 5th (Doubles - Women), 9th (Singles - Women)