Athlete Bio#
Moncks Corner
I am 26 years old born in Oklahoma, but with current residence in Moncks Corner, South Carolina. Was a multi-sport athlete in high school and ran track for two and a half years on the collegiate level before joining the US Army as an infantryman. Was deployed to Iraq in 2006 and was wounded September 24, 2006 by multiple gunshots to the hip, one of which cut the sciatic nerve rendering the lower half of my leg without sensory or motor functions.
Two years later the doctors couldn't do any more for the leg and in order to ensure better daily living and a higher activity level as I wanted to run again, they amputated on October 1, 2008. I have been kayaking now for 3 years, but mostly in whitewater. I've competed in the 2008 whitewater slalom nationals, and multiple downriver/falls races. Just took up flatwater a month ago and ready to see what the worlds can throw at me. Currently, Rob is undergoing physical therapy and occupational therapy at Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Washington DC as a member of the Warrior Transition Brigade.