Taylor has won more than a dozen Grand Slam titles and been ranked in the top three in the world for the past 14 years. Taylor was driven to be competitive from an early age and it started with battling a rare congenital disease: arthrogryposis. This severely limits Taylor’s range of motion and thus he must use an electric wheelchair to compete against the best in the world. ...Son of Bill Taylor and Sherrie Bieberle…Has two brothers, Jordan and Malik…Earned a master’s degree in Sports Management from Wichita State University in 2007…Volunteer Assistant Coach for Men’s able-bodied
tennis team at Wichita State University…Hobbies include koi-carp, and playing with his three dogs Minnie, Mighty and Millie.
Career Highlights
- 2011 British Open Super Series Doubles Champion
- 2010 U.S. Open Grand Slam Doubles Champion
- 2010 U.S. Open Super Series Doubles Champion
Paralympic Experience
- 4-time Paralympian; 5-time Paralympic medalist (3 gold, 1 silver, 1 bronze)
- Paralympic Games Rio de Janeiro 2016, silver (Quad Doubles - Open), 5th (Quad Singles - Open)
- Paralympic Games London 2012, gold (Quad Doubles - Open), bronze (Quad Singles - Open)
- Paralympic Games Beijing 2008, gold (Quad Doubles - Open), 4th (Quad Singles - Open)
- Paralympic Games Athens 2004, gold (Quad Doubles - Open), 4th (Quad Singles - Open)