From Wheels To Ice And Back To Wheels, Olympic Champ Erin Jackson Readies For Her Return To The Pan Am Games
Since Jackson last raced at the Pan Am Games in 2015, she’s taken up ice speedskating and won an Olympic gold medal.
Fremont, CA
North Kitsap High School
Began Skating: 12 years ago
Sponsor: Fast Girl SkatesHigh School: North Kitsap High School
High School Graduation: 1989
High School Location: Poulsbo, Washington
High School Sports: Soccer , Track, Swimming
Other High School Activities: Cheerleading
Life Goals: To be a positive role model for my children and young skaters around the world
Favorite Sports Figure: Marshawn Lynch - Seahawks
Favorite Food Before Competition: Swedish Fish Candy
Favorite Movie: The Outsiders , Napolean Dynamite
Favorite Competition Music: Hip Hop
Favorite Posession: my kids
Hobbies: traveling , cross trainingOne Word To DescribeYou: Funny
What Makes You Unique: I always put others first
Father: Steve NicoletFamily Members In Sports: Logan competes in AAU basketball, Zoe is a gymnast