Athlete Bio#
homeschooled & Eastern New Mexico State University Lucas is an excellent snow skiier, and if he was not training full time for pentathlon he would like to compete in downhill racing...he is a home-schooled high school student who also takes a few college classes through Eastern New Mexico University...currently has enough college credits to be classified as a sophomore in college and continues to work toward his associate's degree...although he is only Youth B in age (15), Lucas has been competing in the Youth A level for two years...he lives on a ranch in southeastern New Mexico and has a special way with horses, and enjoys riding bareback across the prairie.
Year of Graduation: 2011
Current Senior World Ranking as of 11/16/11: 213th
2011 World Cup Ranking: 124th
2011 Junior World Ranking: 102nd
2011 Youth A World Ranking: 36th
2011 Senior National Ranking: 6th
2011 Junior National Ranking: 2nd
Favorite Foods: pad thai, pasta, sushi and Reese's peanut butter cups
Pre-competition meal: steak & pasta
Favorite Athletes: Nathan Schrimsher (brother) & Michael Phelps
Favorite Movies: "Bourne Ultimatum", "Get Smart", "The Lord of the Rings", "The Last Samurai" and "Pirates of the Caribbean"
Favorite Music: rock & pop
Favorite Books: "The Hobbit", "The Last Patriot" and "The Ranger's Apprentice"
Favorite Country Visited for Competition: Portugal
Did You Know?: Lucas is an excellent snow skiier, and if he was not training full time for pentathlon he would like to compete in downhill racing...he is a home-schooled high school student who also takes a few college classes through Eastern New Mexico University...currently has enough college credits to be classified as a sophomore in college and continues to work toward his associate's degree...although he is only Youth B in age (15), Lucas has been competing in the Youth A level for two years...he lives on a ranch in southeastern New Mexico and has a special way with horses, and enjoys riding bareback across the prairie.
2011 January Domestic Qualifier (Colorado Springs): 4th
2011 December Domestic Qualifier (Colorado Springs): 6th
2011 Youth A World Championships (Istanbul, Turkey): 30th individual
2011 Youth A World Championships (Istanbul, Turkey): BRONZE in mixed relay w/ Anna Olesinski
2011 U.S. National Championships (Colorado Springs): 6th in Senior Division
2011 U.S. National Championships (Colorado Springs): SILVER in Junior Division
2011 Domestic Qualifier (Palm Springs, Calif.): 7th
2010 Domestic Qualifier (Colorado Springs, Colo.): 3rd
2010 Winter Open (Palm Springs, Calif.): BRONZE
2009 Pan American Championships (Argentina): 30th
2009 USA National Championships Youth A: SILVER
2009 NORCECA Youth A Championships: 4th
2009 World Youth A Championships (Egypt): 43rd
2009 European Youth B Championships: 14th
2009 Open Youth A French Championships: 12th
2008 USA National Championships Youth A: SILVER
2008 World Youth A Championships (Bulgaria): 44th
2008 Canadian National Championships Youth A: SILVER
2007 USA National Championships Youth C: GOLD
2007 Canadian National Championships Youth C: GOLD
last updated 1/20/12
World Championships Experience
- Most recent: 2016 – (Team - Men), 14th (Relay - Mixed), 69th (Individual - Men)
- Years of participation: Individual - Men 2015, 2016; Relay - Mixed 2016; Team - Men 2015, 2016
- Top finish: – 2016 (Team - Men)
Career Highlights
- World Cup, 2017 (Individual - Men)
- World Cup, 2016 (Individual - Men)
- World Cup Final, Sarasota, 2016 (Individual - Men)
- World Cup, 2015 (Individual - Men)
- Junior World Championships, Drzonków, 2012 (Team - Men)