Dion Maxwell
Athlete Bio#
British Columbia
It took a lot of time and effort and a lot of sacrifice in high school to get to were I am today, not going out on weekends, getting up early just to get a morning training in.
Where is your favorite place to go paddling?
I would have to say Whonnock Lake with the guys from home, even though its small, always a good time had there.
How did you get into paddling?
I got into paddling when my mom took me out to the Ridge Canoe and Kayak Club to do their drop in program at night, and after a summer of that I was hooked.
What did it take to get where you are now?
It took a lot of time and effort and a lot of sacrifice in high school to get to were I am today, not going out on weekends, getting up early just to get a morning training in.
What is your greatest accomplishment in the sport?
My greatest accomplishment is probably making the US National team and getting a chance to race in Europe and Worlds coming up.
Where do you want to see the sport in 5 years?
In 5 years I would like to see this sport grow more and more especially in North America to where it is up there with some of the professional sports " with me at the top of course".
What advice do you have for a beginner paddler?
Never give up, just because at a young age you aren't the fastest doesn't mean it will always be that way, it's the person who tries there hardest over time who will come out on top.
Who do you think we should watch out for this year, or are there any new young guys coming up?
I would say watch out for Brian Malfesi BC a real young gun who is already upsetting the age groups above him.
What is a ridiculous question people ask you about your sport and how do you try to educate them?
Those are some nice Rowing shells? I have just given up on this, I am started to not correct them.
Is there a funny story about one of your teammates that you can share with us?
All I can say is that Morgan [House] definitely won the lake placid world prep trip.
What equipment would you suggest for someone trying to get into the sport?
Any boat you can get your hands on that is a sprint boat, and usually turbo's and Bracia are good for any level of paddling.
Is there a core shop for your sport that really takes care of its customers?
I am getting a lot of stuff for cold weather paddling from my local store western canoe and kayak.
What is your weapon of choice?
What ever it takes to get the job done.