Deirdre Lenzsch
Athlete Bio#
Somers Point
High School Graduate (To-be); In the process of finishing high school in three years to focus on my lifting career
Year of birth: 1997
What year did you being lifting? 2009
Get my pilots license, graduate high school, learn a second language
Favorite Food: Grilled Montreal Chicken (weakness: Mint Oreos and/or Nutella)
Favorite Book: Of Mice & Men
Favorite TV Show: Walking Dead
Favorite Song: Depends on my mood... "Moonlight Sonata," "First Day of My Life," "Angel," "Me and Bobby McGee," "Scar Tissue," "Corona & Lime" and "Don't Know Why"
Hobbies/Interested outside of Weightlifting: Singing, swimming, piano, health/nutrition, track & field and theater performance
Most people don’t know that… I have a fascination with special effects make-up, I study classical piano and I don't eat red meat.