Taekwondo Athlete: Dae Hoon Lee...Favorite Non-Taekwondo Athlete: Aaron Rodgers...Who is your biggest inspiration?: My Grandfather...Favorite Foods & Drinks: all food and milkshakes/smoothies...Favorite Book(s): 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea...Favorite TV Show(s): Fresh Off the Boat...Favorite Movie(s): Hacksaw Ridge...Favorite/Inspirational Quotes: "Always set you goals unrealistically high, because when you fail you will have achieved and accomplished far more than anyone else."...What is your proudest moment in Taekwondo to date?: 2017 National Championships and making the U.S. Cadet National Team.
Career Highlights
- 2017 USA Taekwondo Cadet National Team Member (-45kg)
- 2017 Canadian Open - Black Belt - -45kg - Silver
- 2017 Pan American Championships - Black Belt - -45kg - Silver
- 2017 USA Taekwondo National Championships - -45kg - Gold
- 2015 U.S. Open Championships - Sparring - Black Belt - -40kg - Gold
- 2013 U.S. National Championships - Sparring - Black Belt - -31kg - Gold