skeleton when she was approached by current teammate
John Daly's father at the Empire State Games in 2004...Three-time National Champion (2011, 2013, 2017)...Two-time USABS Skeleton Athlete of the Year and 2008 Skeleton Athletes' Choice Award...Has three sisters, a dog, two cats and two ducks...Favorite book is "Oh, the Places You'll Go," and her favorite movie is "The Wedding Planner."...Meal of choice is green beans and meatloaf....Favorite music is metal and hard rock
Career Highlights
- 2017-2018 World Cup - 18th in Altenberg (1/18)
- 2017-2018 Intercontinental Cup- 4th in Whistler #1 (11/17); 7th in Whistler #2 (11/17); 8th in Calgary #1 (11/17); 7th in Calgary #2 (11/17); 7th in Altenberg #1 (1/18); 7th in Altenberg #2 (1/18)
- 2016-2017 World Cup - 6th in Whistler (12/16); 6th in Lake Placid (12/16); 10th in Altenberg (1/17); 13th in Winterberg (1/17); 17th in St. Moritz (1/17); 10th in Koenigssee (1/17); 11th in Igls (2/17); 19th in PyeongChang (3/17)
- 4th overall in 2015-2016 World Cup - 12th in Altenberg (11/15); 11th in Winterberg (12/15); 8th in Koenigssee (12/15); GOLD in Lake Placid (1/16); 4th in Park City (1/16); SILVER in Whistler (1/16); 6th in St. Moritz (2/16)
- 13th overall in 2014-2015 World Cup - 9th in Lake Placid (12/14); 12th in Calgary (12/14); 17th in Altenberg (1/15); 9th in Koenigssee (1/15); 23rd in St. Moritz (1/15); 17th in Igls #1 (2/15); 13th in Igls #2 (2/15); 17th in Sochi (2/15)
- 2013-2014 World Cup -16th in Winterberg (1/14)
- 2013-2014 Intercontinental Cup - 14th in Igls #1 (12/13), 11th in Igls #2 (12/13); 12th in Altenberg #1 (12/13); 9th in Altenberg #2 (12/13); 10th in Park City #1 (1/14); 16th in Park City #2 (1/14)
- 2013-2014 North American Cup - BRONZE in Park City (11/13)
- 2013 National Championships - GOLD in Lake Placid (3/13)
- 2012-2013 European Cup - 10th in Altenberg #1 (1/13)
- 2012-2013 Intercontinental Cup -15th in Whistler #1 (11/12), 14th in Whistler #2 (11/12), 14th in Park City #1 (12/12), 8th in Park City #2 (12/12), 10th in Igls #1 (1/13), 17th in Igls #2 (1/13), 15th in Altenberg #1 (1/13), 17th in Altenberg #2 (1/13), 15th in Winterberg (1/13)
- 2011-2012 World Cup -7th in Igls (12/11), SILVER in La Plagne (12/11), 9th in Winterberg (12/11), 12th in Altenberg (1/12), 18th in Koenigssee (1/12), 18th in St. Moritz (1/12), 9th in Whistler (2/12)
- 2011 National Champion
- 2010-2011 World Cup- 11th overall; 15th in Whistler (11/10), 13th in Calgary (12/10), 13th in Park City (12/10), 10th in Lake Placid (12/10), 13th in Igls (1/11), 12th in Winterberg (1/11), 11th in St. Moritz (1/11), 17th in Cesana (1/11)
- 20th overall in 2009-2010 Intercontinental Cup - 22nd in Winterberg #1 (11/09), 19th in Winterberg #2 (11/09), 19th in Konigssee (12/09), 15th in Cesana (12/09)
- 8th overall in 2008-2009 Intercontinental Cup - 4th in Calgary (12/08), 11th in Park City #1 (12/08), 12th in Park City #2 (12/08), 7th in Lake Placid (12/08), 6th in Igls (2/09), 9th in Konigssee (2/09), 12th in Cesana #1 (1/09), 7th in Cesana #2 (1/09)
- 17th overall in 2007-2008 World Cup - 10th in Calgary (11/07), 10th in Park City (12/07), 11th in Lake Placid (12/07), 17th in Cesana #1 (1/08), 19th in Cesana #2 (1/08), 14th in St. Moritz (1/08)
- 2007-2008 North American Cup - 4th in Calgary #1 (11/06), BRONZE in Calgary #2 (11/06), GOLD in Lake Placid #1 (12/06), GOLD in Lake Placid #2 (12/06), SILVER in Park City #1 (12/06), SILVER in Park City #2 (12/06)