Favorite taekwondo athletes are Pauline Lopez and Paige McPherson...her biggest inspiration is her mom who keeps pushing her to do her best…favorite foods/drinks are mochi ice crean, chocolate, apple-mango, steamed broccoli, milo and mango juice...favorite books are "The Lunar Chronicle Series", "Somebody to Love", "A Wrinkle in Time", "Everyday", "Red Queen", "The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens" and "True Born"...favorite TV show is "Grey's Anatomy"...favorite quotes: "It's okay to be a glowstick; sometimes we need to break before we shine." -Kian Lawley; "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." -Philippians 4:13; "You can die at any time, but living takes true courage." -Himura Kenshin; "The secret to living well and longer is eat half, walk double, laugh triple, and love without measure." -Tibetan proverb.
2016 USA Taekwondo Cadet National B-Team Member (-47kg)
2016 US National Championship - Quest Taekwondo - Black Belt - (-47kg) - Silver
2016 California Qualifiers - Quest Taekwondo - Black Belt - (-47kg) - Gold
2016 Nevada Qualifiers - Quest Taekwondo - Black Belt - (-51kg) - Gold
2015 Nevada Qualifiers - Black Belt - (-44kg) - Bronze
2014 US National Championship - Black Belt (-41kg)- Bronze
2014 California Qualifier - Black Belt (-41kg)- Gold
2013 US National Championship - Black Belt - Gold
2013 US Open - Black Belt - Gold
2013 California Qualifiers - Black Belt - Gold
2012 US Open - Black Belt - Bronze
last updated 9/9/2016