Hannah Roberts Credits Those Who Have Assisted Her On The Journey To Tokyo
by Hannah Roberts

Hannah Roberts poses at the Team USA Tokyo 2020 Olympic shoot on November 23, 2019 in West Hollywood, California.
There are a lot of people I am incredibly thankful for and I don't know if I’ll be able to put into words just how much they have helped me. This journey itself has been unlike anything I have ever done and I wouldn't have been able to do it by myself.
I want to start off by thanking my parents, my sisters and my grandparents for making it a priority to get me to and from the skatepark, and to contests when I was younger. No matter how late or how early, you always got up and drove me wherever I wanted to go so I could go and have fun with friends chasing a dream I didn’t even know was there yet.
Of course, there is also the unconditional love and support you have given me at my highest and during my lows when I couldn’t find the answers. You fully believed in me and made sure I believed in myself so I could continue to push myself to the best of my ability and for that I thank you, and I am comfortable knowing you’ll always have my back.
Next, I would like to thank my coaches and sponsors. I have received so many uplifting words and support throughout my journey that has made all of this so much more meaningful. I know that if and when I need anything all I have to do is send a message and you guys got me.
There has never been any doubt and the welcoming environment that you all have offered has given me peace throughout these last few years. Even in the uncertain times, you guys supported me and did the absolute best to make sure I was always good not just on my bike but off as well. I’m so happy to be a part of your family! Thank you for everything and I can’t wait to grow with you even more.
I also want to thank the sport of BMX and the family I was able to build in this community. Obviously, without my bike my life would be completely different, I have gotten to experience so many amazing things and been to beautiful places that I never thought possible. I am extremely grateful for everything my bike has done for me and the people I have gotten to meet from all over the world because of it.
Speaking of, thank you to the entire BMX community for being such an extraordinary group of people. Even though we might compete against each other at an event, I know I can look towards any of you for advice. You guys welcomed me, and so many kids like me, into the sport and were not only role models but friends! I know many of us are thankful for that. I honestly couldn’t ask for a better group of people to talk to, learn from and make memories with!
Lastly, and most importantly to me, thank you to my wife, Kelsey. No matter how hard I am on myself, you are there to get me through things. On my worst days, you keep me moving and focused on the dream. Whether that is calling me “tricks” at the skatepark when I run out of motivation, or just making me get out of bed to go train, you have always seen my dream. I thank you for being there behind the scenes during every break down to build me back up and every triumph for making sure I take time to enjoy it. Thank you for helping me get through 2020, through the darkest times, and through normal days. Thank you for the endless love you have given me and the feeling of home no matter where I am. You do and have done so much for me that I can’t put it all into this note. I love you and we are making the dream come true.
Even though I can’t thank all of you for everything you have done to help me get here, I hope you all know that I am so grateful! This process has not been easy by any means but it’s always easier when I think about my support!
Thank you and much love,
Hannah Roberts